Speaker, Moderator

Regional Economies Panel Moderator


Franz Josef Allmayer is a universal citizen with cultural roots in Austria and Guatemala. Dedication to the fields of innovation and global development, has enabled Franz to gather transdisciplinary experience working with international organizations, governments, the private sector, NGOs, and academia. He serves as a co-creator at Integrity Earth, a digital venture cooperative with seat in Liechtenstein, SEEDS, a financial ecosystem and digital currency designed to give value to the regenerative renaissance, and Hypha, a human-centered DAO building the tools to facilitate humanity’s transition to a globally regenerative and thriving civilization. In his spare time, you can find Franz integrating ancient-future technologies and weaving together a growing network of more than 600 regenerative organizations. He is passionate about seeding fractal circles at a local, national, and bioregional level, interconnecting to form a decentralized network for peer-to-peer exchanges, leveraging web 3.0 tools of cooperation and coordination.