Michelle Manjarrez
Michelle is an evolutionary edge-worker and healer committed to holding heart-centered transformational spaces. She actively addresses the inner permaculture of individuals and communities so that they can re-experience the core needs long been missing, such as trust, wholeness, interconnectedness, love and a sense of belonging; re-connecting to the higher self where spiritual power and flow can unfold.
Her own journey tapping into the field of consciousness began spontaneously over 18 years ago when she underwent the first of several intense and expansive mystical experiences. These unfolded into a spiritual gift of channeling powerful healing energies that manifest through high vibrational shamanic chants, languages and intentional touch. Stepping away from her linear life path in academia, she explored the power of shamanic-healing practices in South America and spiritual teachings and initiations in India. Seeking to bridge between the worlds and access deeper realms of transformation and healing, she trained in a wide variety of approaches including: Bio-Decodification, Feelings Work, Forum, Possibility Management, Non-Violent Communication, NLP and Trauma Healing.