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The Community Regenaissance is Here!

The world has changed dramatically since our last Tribalize Summit three years ago in Loveland, CO, when 250 attendees came together to connect deeply with one another, share best practices, and inspire the dream of regenerative community to come more fully alive in all of us.

While change has been accelerating, some things remain constant. One of those is the necessity for us to connect even more deeply—with ourselves as we walk the mastery path of “Know Thyself’, with others as we weave the world back into wholeness and understand we live in a world of interdependencies, and with Nature, our great teacher, we are discovering a relationship of growing harmony where we are listening and learning from the principles of natural systems and the codes of a thriving earth.

This thing we call ‘regenerative living’ isn’t a trend; it’s a profound systemic imperative and the direction of a world that works for all. We like to say, we are creating a world where everyone and all life thrives. We are dreamers who are now ready to land our visions into the earth, into the soil of our communities, into the global network of aligned collaborators and co-creators. We are in a phase change and there is a power here to consciously choose and design the future we want to live in.

Since our inaugural summit in early 2017 in Ojai, CA, we’ve catalyzed and nourished the ongoing conversation about regenerative living amongst the dreamers, builders, healers, artists and architects who seek to be in deeper relationship with the earth and with one another. How then shall we live, invites the Hopi Prophecy. We are truly living in the time of the fulfillment of many indigenous prophecies. At the end of this Hopi Prophecy, it reads, “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It is time to really claim this truth. That we no longer need to wait for someone else to do it for us, neither governments or corporations or a certain ideology or belief, but it’s the sovereign ones who can now turn to each other and celebrate that we are all showing up in this moment. It is truly worthy of celebration. Even as we began to ‘do the work of creation’ in new ways, we must celebrate every step of the way.

It is truly time for a radical worldview shift and to step into reinhabiting the ancient future, and to engage our sacred ways of being in reverent and responsible relationship with all life. Only in this way can we step out of a worldview of separation and fragmentation and into a more loving relationship of kindness and caring. Only in this way can our communities and villages be reimagined and reinhabited. Now our hearts lead the way and we listen with our intuitive knowing connected with the wisdom of the past and the divine design of nature’s multidimensional intelligence. We truly become architects of our future and we are unstoppable!

This regenerative imperative is our birthright. We have crossed a threshold that includes embracing more of the consciousness of the ancient village and the indigenous wisdom encoded across the planet. These cultures hold codes for us as we are reimagining our future, building more authentic communities, living off-grid and more lightly and in harmony with life, and using the new bright green technology to be sustainable and thriving. All of this while being devoted to healing ourselves from the inside out. As we change within, so we change without.

During Tribalize III in Colorado, one of our keynote speakers was Bill Reed. I’ll never forget the moment when he said that, “Every compromise is a step toward death.” Now I don’t normally want to take people’s words out of context, but what I personally got from that was a profound understanding that the way we create and choose and play and work is as important as the what! The process is the product. And compromise is like entropy, we are not choosing life. So this is an invitation to step into more of our true majesty. We are all being called into our greatness and that is at the heart of this movement. Yes it’s green, yes it’s regenerative, it’s the more beautiful world, it’s a thriving economic system, it’s collective intelligence and radical change of every social system on the planet. AND it is each of us becoming our greatest version of ourselves where we get to let our soul’s fully shine.

We are remembering and imagineering and synergizing. It is time to step out of the entitlements that kept us separate from each other and nature, and step into co-creative partnerships where we can all thrive.

Tribalize is a catalyst for this movement and while we want to showcase the new technologies and solutions and best practices out there, we also want to create a space for the important co-sensing conversations to happen. All of this happens within the larger context of being in right relationship to the sacredness of life. We humble ourselves. In this way, we lay foundations for a thriving civilization—a regenaissance.

After nearly 3 years of integration and listening and navigating some intense terrain as a species since our last large community gathering, it is perfectly timed for Tribalize to return on May 14-16 with a new offering that brings together a beautiful live and intimate gathering alongside a global virtual summit. This Tribalize will be live from Tulum, MX, the heart of Mayan culture, and of course online everywhere. Nearly 40 speakers will be sharing their vision for our regenerative future as well as diving into some of the most important conversations and topics in culture.

Many of you have already heard the call and have participated in previous Tribalize events over the past few years, so you know the power of these gatherings. In the first one, many people said, they experienced a desire from everyone to collaborate. It was palpable and astonishing to witness. I remember thinking, wow, why is this not our norm. Well guess what, it is our ‘new norm.’ Then in Tribalize II, the feeling of love amongst everyone was the defining feature. Felt by many of us to be so powerful and healing. It was a community of life-minded people ready to take on the world. We had a powerful design charette at that Summit due to the recent fires in Sebastopol. We catalyzed the crisis and transformed it into regenerative opportunities. In Tribalize III, connections between individuals were created that changed people’s lives.

Now what can we imagine for Tribalize IV. For us on the convening team, we are intending for pure magic and wonder! What we do know is that once again we’ve curated a phenomenal list of leaders and teachers and designers and builders who bring the kind of embodied wisdom and inspiration and practical tools to help us all take the next steps in manifesting our community dreams!

Gathering in person is such a gift right now and for those who can join us in person, your presence will be so welcome and you will be so nourished. For those who will be joining us virtually, you will receive the benefit from half of our speakers coming from the live venue and this will infuse the livestream Summit. We are creating a hybrid of the best of both worlds.

We know that life is asking us to love one another, create beautiful communities, be architects of our future, listen to the wisdom of our elders, and be humble stewards on Earth. Now is the time.

The exciting thing about gatherings like this is that we can join together with others who share the same intention and then we can put all that beautiful collective power toward our dreams coming true! Like Teilhard de Chardin says, “There is almost a sensual longing for communion with others who have a large vision. The immense fulfillment of the friendship between those engaged in furthering the evolution of consciousness has a quality impossible to describe.”

We are here for this!

Join us, either in person or online. Prepare to be transformed and nourished and inspired!

Sheri Herndon
Regenerative Culture Strategist and Designer